Apel adalah buah yang kaya akan manfaat dan vitamin. Selain sebagai buah meja apel juga bisa diolah menjadi selai apel, cuka apel, jenang apel ataupun keripik apel. Namun buah apel yang telah mengalami pengolahan akan menyebabkan nilai gizi dan vitamin yang terkandung didalamnya menjadi berkurang. Akan tetapi jika buah apel tersebut diolah menjadi jus atau minuman sari apel hal ini diyakini dapat membunuh virus-sirus penyebab infeksi sehingga tubuh kita akan kebal terhadap penyakit influenza.
Apple is a fruits that is rich in benefits and vitamins. Besides as an apple table fruits it can also processed as into apple jam, apple vinegar, jenang apple or apple chips. But apple that have been processed will cause vitamin and nutrient contained in them will be reduced. It is different if apple is processed into juice or apple cider drink it is believed that it can kill viruses that can cause infection, so that our body will be immune to influenza disease.
Buah apel sebaiknya disimpan ke dalam lemari pendingin daripada diletakkan di suhu ruang. Karena apel yang disimpan dilemari pendingin, kesegaran dan kerenyahannya akan bertahan lebih lama. Selain itu apel yang sudah dikupas sebaiknya disiram terlebih dahulu dengan air jeruk nipis sebelum di konsumsi, agar tidak cepat teroksidasi dan berubah warna menjadi coklat.
Apple fruits should be store in the refrigerator rather than placed into room temperature. Because apple that is stored in the refrigerator freshness and crispness will last longer. Beside that the apple that has been peeled should be watered first with lime juice before consumed, in order to it doesn't oxidize quickly and turn brown.
Ada tiga jenis buah apel yang bisa kita temui di kota batu antara lain :
There are three types of apples that we can find in the Batu city such as :
Apel Rome Beauty
Rome Beauty Apple
Apel rome beauty ini bentuknya bulat dengan warna hijau dan sedikit warna merah disekitar buahnya. Bibit apel room beauty ini berasal dari Australia, sehingga biasanya apel ini juga disebut Apel Australia. Meskipun sudah masak apel rome beauty ini warnanya tetap hijau kekuningan dengan semburat warna merah, namun daging buahnya tetap keras dan tekstur yang halus dan aromanya yang khas. Rasa buah apel rome beauty ini segar dengan sedikit asam.
Apple rome beauty is round shape with green color and little red. This rome beauty apple seeds comes from Australia, so it is usually called an Australian apple. Although this apple was ripe, the color remains yellowish green with a red tinge, but the flesh remain hard with a smooth texture along with the distinctive aroma of apple.
Apple rome beauty is round shape with green color and little red. This rome beauty apple seeds comes from Australia, so it is usually called an Australian apple. Although this apple was ripe, the color remains yellowish green with a red tinge, but the flesh remain hard with a smooth texture along with the distinctive aroma of apple.
Apel Manalagi
A Manalagi Apple
Berbeda dengan apel room beauty, apel manalagi lebih disukai oleh sebagian masyarakat karena warnanya yang kuning kehijauan, ditambah dengan aromanya yang harum dan rasanya yang sangat manis. Bibit apel yang didatangkan dari negeri Belanda ini mempunyai daging buah dan tekstur yang tetap keras meskipun sudah matang. Semakin lama disimpan dalam suhu ruang buah ini akan semakin matang, harum dan manis.
It is different with apple rome beauty, apel manalagi more preferred by the people because the color is more greenish yellow, added with a fragrant aroma and sweet taste. This apple that seed imported from Dutch Country have fruit flesh and texture that remain hard even though they are ripe. The longer it is stored in the room temperature, this fruits are more sweet and mature.
It is different with apple rome beauty, apel manalagi more preferred by the people because the color is more greenish yellow, added with a fragrant aroma and sweet taste. This apple that seed imported from Dutch Country have fruit flesh and texture that remain hard even though they are ripe. The longer it is stored in the room temperature, this fruits are more sweet and mature.
Apel Ana
Dibandingkan dengan kedua apel diatas, apel ana memiliki bentuk agak bulat lonjong mirip buah apel impor yang mana jika sudah matang apel ini akan berwarna merah merata. Tetapi jika masih belum cukup matang, apel ini berwarna hijau yang kemudian akan menjadi kekuningan dengan semburat merah.
Compared with the two apple above, apple ana has a rather oval shaped similar with to import an apple, which is when this apple was ripe it will be red evenly. But if this apple mature enough, the color is green and turn yellow with a red tinge.
Apel ana mempunyai rasa yang sedikit lebih asam dengan kandungan air yang banyak. Selain itu buah ini juga mempunyai kulit yang tipis. Buah yang bibitnya didatangkan dari Thailand ini tidak bisa disimpan terlalu lama karena daging buahnya akan menjadi masir dan empuk.
Apple ana has a more acidic taste with a lot of water. Beside that this fruits also has a thin skin. The fruit whose seed was brought from Thailand can't be store too long, because the fruit will become masir and soft.
Compared with the two apple above, apple ana has a rather oval shaped similar with to import an apple, which is when this apple was ripe it will be red evenly. But if this apple mature enough, the color is green and turn yellow with a red tinge.
Apel ana mempunyai rasa yang sedikit lebih asam dengan kandungan air yang banyak. Selain itu buah ini juga mempunyai kulit yang tipis. Buah yang bibitnya didatangkan dari Thailand ini tidak bisa disimpan terlalu lama karena daging buahnya akan menjadi masir dan empuk.
Apple ana has a more acidic taste with a lot of water. Beside that this fruits also has a thin skin. The fruit whose seed was brought from Thailand can't be store too long, because the fruit will become masir and soft.
Meskipun berbeda bentuk dan mempunyai keistimewaan rasa. Ketiga buah apel ini mempunyai manfaat yang tidak jauh berbeda antara lain :
Although it is a different shape and has a distinctive in taste. These three kinds of apple have benefits that are not much different such as :- Sangat baik untuk mencegah sariawan dan memperkuat daya tahan tubuh, karena rasanya yang lebih asam dan mengandung banyak vitamin c.
- It's very good for preventing canker sores and strengthening body resistance, because the taste is more acidic and contains lots of vitamin c.
- Bisa membantu menurunkan berat badan atau diet, karena buah apel mempunyai kandungan glukosa, rendah kalori dan serat yang memadai sehingga akan menimbulkan rasa kenyang sesaat setelah dikonsumsi.
- Can help your lose weight or diet, because the apple fruits are contain of glucose, low calories and adequate fiber so that is creates a feeling of fullness after consumption.
- Sangat baik untuk membantu melancarkan proses pencernaan
- It is very good in helping the digestive process.
- Apel mempunyai kandungan karoten dan pekten, yaitu serat yang bisa larut dalam air sehingga dapat membantu menurunkan kolesterol dan menghilangkan racun dalam usus.
- Apple are contains with caroten and pectin, a fiber that is easily soluble in water so it can help reduce cholesterol and eliminate toxins in the intestine.
- Jika dikonsumsi secara teratur oleh anak-anak, buah apel akan membantu menambah kecerdasan otak, membantu pertumbuhan tulang yang masih aktif dan membantu menjaga kesehatan mata serta menguatkan gigi.
- If consumed regularly by the children, this apple fruits will help to increase the intelligence of the brain,helping the growth of bones that are still active, and help maintain healthy eyes and strengthen teeth.
- Jika dikonsumsi oleh orang dewasa, buah apel diyakini dapat membantu menyehatkan jantung, mengobati rematik dan juga mencegah kanker serta bisa dipakai sebagai pola pengobatan herbal.
- If consumed by adult, apples are believed to help nourish the heart, treat rheumatism, prevent cancer and can be used as a pattern of herbal treatment.
- Selain itu buah apel juga bisa membantu menjaga kecantikan wajah seperti mengobati jerawat dan menjaga kesehatan kulit.
- Besides that apple can also help maintain facial beauty such as treating acne and maintaining healthy skin.
Ketiga jenis apel diatas banyak ditemui di Kota Batu-Malang, karena disana adalah tempat perkebunan apel terbesar di Indonesia. Tepatnya di daerah Bumiaji dan Jungo yang mana didaerah ini banyak terdapat tempat wisata petik apel dengan harga yang bervariasi dan terjangkau.
The three types of apple above often be found in Batu Malang City, because there is the largest apple plantation in Indonesia. Precisely in the area Bumiaji and Jungo where this area is found by many picking apple sites with varied and affordable prices.
The three types of apple above often be found in Batu Malang City, because there is the largest apple plantation in Indonesia. Precisely in the area Bumiaji and Jungo where this area is found by many picking apple sites with varied and affordable prices.
Demikianlah artikel tentang tiga jenis apel beserta manfaatnya bagi tubuh kita.
Terimakasih sudah membaca artikel ini dan semoga dapat menambah pengetahuan kita.
That's the article about three types of apple fruit in Batu city and their benefits for our bodies.
Thank you for reading this article and hopefully can adds our knowledge.
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Apple cider vinegar does not taste good to most people. Because of that, some have tried eating a few slices of apple after a meal, and have gotten rid of heartburn that way. Not every apple works for heartburn, though. Some stick to green apples such as Granny Smith. Others recommend Jonagold apples for heartburn relief. Some recommend eating a few slices of Jonagold apple with a coupe of dill pickle spears. It's apple cider vinegar for heartburn without resorting to basic vinegar. Ostomy
ReplyDeletethank you for visit my blog sir. Maybe Jonagold Apples almost same with a roombeauty apples in Indonesia,usually we recommend to make a cider vinegar with roombeauty apples because it has a natural sour taste and not make a heartburn. If we consumed with some meals.Cider Vinegar usually used for cooking mixes such as making pickles.And granny smith apple is same with an anna apples with taste is more sweet than Jonagold apples...thank you sir.