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Kali ini kembali saya mereview film India Aashiqui 2, sebuah film India bergenre romantis cocok untuk anak muda yang sedang kasmaran dan sangat pas jika dijadikan kejutan buat kekasih untuk ditonton bersama-sama saat hari valentine.
This time I went back to review the Indian film Romantic genre.this film is very suitable for young people who are in love and is very suitable too if used as surprised for lovers to watch together on valentine's day.
Tapi sayangnya tidak semua laki-laki menyukai film india, menurut pendapat mereka film india terlalu melow dan baper. Tetapi bagi pengemar film bollywood seperti saya, justru kemelowan dan kebaperannya itu yang menjadi daya tarik utama untuk ditonton.
Unfortunately, not everyone likes Indian Film, According them said that Indian Film is too melow and have long duration and baper. But for Indian film Fans it is the main atraction to watch.
Unfortunately, not everyone likes Indian Film, According them said that Indian Film is too melow and have long duration and baper. But for Indian film Fans it is the main atraction to watch.
Apalagi lagu-lagunya yang cukup asik untuk dinikmati, para pemainya yang tampan dan cantik, membuat mata kita tak pernah bosan untuk melihat akting mereka.
Beside that, the songs are very beautiful to enjoy.The handsome and beautiful perfomers make us never get bored to see their acting.
Beside that, the songs are very beautiful to enjoy.The handsome and beautiful perfomers make us never get bored to see their acting.
Nah..pas malam ini saya ngak bisa tidur.akhirnya daripada fikiran melayang tidak karuan saya menonton film india yang berjudul aashiqui ini yang kira-kira artinya adalah menceritakan tentang kisah cinta yang menyakitkan.
Coincidentally this night, I could not sleep rather than tought of hovering uncllearly, So I decided to watch this film called ashiquii 2 which roughly means to tell a painfull love story.
Coincidentally this night, I could not sleep rather than tought of hovering uncllearly, So I decided to watch this film called ashiquii 2 which roughly means to tell a painfull love story.
Film ini merupakan film India modern setelah aashiqui yang pertama rilis pada tahun 1990, kemudian dirilis ulang tahun 2013.Kedua film ini termasuk film yang paling laris dengan alur ceritanya yang mengalir sangat lembut.
This one of the modern Indian film after the Ashiquii I film released in 1990,then re-released in 2013. Both of this film are among the selling film with a smooth flowing story line.
Film aashiqui 2 ini diperankan oleh Aditya Kapoor sebagai Rahul Jayekar dan Shrada Kapoor sebagai Arohii. Rahur Jayekar adalah seorang penyanyi papan atas, compeser musik dan pengarang lagu.Sebelum menjadi pecandu alkohol Rahul Jayekar adalah seorang penyanyi terkenal yang mempunyai banyak pengemar. Tetapi semakin lama karirnya makin merosot karena kebiasaan buruknya ini.
This ashiquii 2 film are played by Aditya Kapoor as Rahul Jayekar and Shrada Kapoor as Arohii. Rahul Jayekar is a top singer, music composer and song writer.Before becoming and alcoholic Rahul Jayekar is a famous singer who had many fans.But the longer his career was decline because of his bad habit.
This ashiquii 2 film are played by Aditya Kapoor as Rahul Jayekar and Shrada Kapoor as Arohii. Rahul Jayekar is a top singer, music composer and song writer.Before becoming and alcoholic Rahul Jayekar is a famous singer who had many fans.But the longer his career was decline because of his bad habit.
Suatu hari Rahul Jayekar sedang mengadakan konser di Kota Goa, pada saat dia sedang menyanyi diatas panggung, tiba - tiba ada salah seorang artis yang iri dan melempar Rahul dengan botol minuman. Hal ini tentu saja membuat Rahul menjadi marah dan kemudian memukuli artis tersebut.
One day Rahul was holding a concert in the city of Goa.While he was singing on stage,suddenly one of the artist who envy with rahul threw him with a drink bottle. This incident certainly made Rahul angry and beat the artist.
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Tidak berapa lama Rahul kemudian pergi begitu saja meninggalkan pentas tanpa berpikir panjang bagaimana karirnya nanti. dengan cepat dia mengambil kunci mobil, dengan keadaan setengah mabuk dia pergi keliling Kota Goa sampai kemudian berhenti di sebuah Bar. Dan melihat Arohii sedang menyanyikan lagunya.
Not for along time after that, Rahul left the stage without thinking about how his career would turn out. Quickly he took the car key and in a half drunk he went around the city, until he finally stopped for a bar and saw Arohii singing his song.
Not for along time after that, Rahul left the stage without thinking about how his career would turn out. Quickly he took the car key and in a half drunk he went around the city, until he finally stopped for a bar and saw Arohii singing his song.
Rahul teringat bahwa gadis penyanyi bar tersebut adalah orang yang pernah ditabraknya sehingga menyebabkan barang belanjaan arohii berserakan dijalan. Namun Arohii tidak mengenali Rahul yang seorang artis terkenal.
Rahul remembered that the bar singer was the woman he had been hit, with causing all the shopping items to be scattered on the street. But Arohii doesn't recognize that Rahul is the one of the famoust singer.
Rahul remembered that the bar singer was the woman he had been hit, with causing all the shopping items to be scattered on the street. But Arohii doesn't recognize that Rahul is the one of the famoust singer.
Rahul sangat menikmati lagunya yang sedang dinyanyikan oleh Arohii, melihat bakatnya yang begitu besar, Rahul berniat untuk mengajak Arohii bersamanya buat dipromosikan menjadi artis penyanyi terkenal.
Rahul really enjoy the song sung by Arohii,seeing her greet talent Rahul intends to invite with him to be promoted to become a famous artist.
Rahul really enjoy the song sung by Arohii,seeing her greet talent Rahul intends to invite with him to be promoted to become a famous artist.
Beberapa saat kemudian setelah Arohii selesai menyanyi, rahul mendatanginya dan menyatakan maksudnya. Tentu saja Manager Arohii menolak maksud dari Rahul Jayekaar. Dan berkat kegigihan Rahul membujuk Arohii akhirnya tawaran tersebut diterima.
Not for along time after Arohii finished her singing,Rahul came to her and stated his intention. Seeing this of course manajer's Arohii rejects the purpose of Rahul. But because of his perseverance to uterus Arohii finally the offer was accepted
Not for along time after Arohii finished her singing,Rahul came to her and stated his intention. Seeing this of course manajer's Arohii rejects the purpose of Rahul. But because of his perseverance to uterus Arohii finally the offer was accepted
Sambil menunggu berita dari Rahul, Arohii berhenti bekerja di bar dan pulang kerumahnya.Sesampainya di rumah Arohii malah dimarahi oleh ibunya karena percaya pada kebohongan Rahul orang yang tidak dikenal dan percaya akan janji-janjinya yang belum tentu benar. Padahal saat itu kondisi keuangan mereka sangat sulit.
While waiting for news from Rahul, Arohii stopped working and return home. But, when she arrived home, her mother was angry to Arohii for believing Rahul, the person she just met. Because at that time, their financial condition was difficult.
While waiting for news from Rahul, Arohii stopped working and return home. But, when she arrived home, her mother was angry to Arohii for believing Rahul, the person she just met. Because at that time, their financial condition was difficult.
Tetapi Arohii tetap yakin bahwa Rahul tidak berbohong, dia tetap menunggu berita dari Rahul meskipun sudah beberapa hari Rahul tidak bisa dihubungi.Ternyata di kota Rahul baru saja mengalami kecelakaan dan harus dirawat dirumah sakit untuk beberapa hari sehingga dia tidak tahu jika Arohii terus meneleponnya.
But arohii still believes that rahul is not lying, she is still waiting for the rahul, eventhough he is not be connected. It turn out that Rahul had been an accident and had to be hospitalized for a few days and she did not know that Arohii contacted him.
Begitu sembuh dari sakitnya Rahul langsung pergi kerumah Arohii untuk menepati janjinya. Disinilah awal perubahan kehidupan ekonomi keluarga Arohii.Sebelum membawa Arohii ke kota Rahul mencukupi semua kebutuhan Ayah dan Ibu Arohii di kampung.
After recovering from his pain, immediatly he went to the Arohii's house. This is the beginning of the economic change arohii's family. Before bringing Arohii to the city, rahul was give all the needs of her parents in the village.
Sesampainya di kota Rahul langsung membawa Arohii menemui menajernya dan mengajaknya ke studio rekaman agar segera di promosikan sebagai penyanyi baru. Begitu di tes, suara Arohii memang benar-benar bagus dan cocok sebagai seorang calon bintang baru.
When they arrived in the city, Rahul took Arohii to meet the manajer and go to the recording studio to be promoted as a new singer.
Perlahan tetapi pasti karir Arohii mulai bersinar, sedangkan karir Rahul semakin redup dan mulai kehilangan pengemarnya.Hal ini membuat Rahul ingin menjauhi Arohii. Dia tidak mau menjadi beban bagi Arohii.
Slowly but surely, Arohii career was shine beside that Rahul's career was dim and losed his fans. This condition make Rahul want to go out from the live of Arohii, he did not want to be a burden for arohii.
Tetapi Arohii mulai mencintai Rahul dan rela berkorban apa saja demi Rahul. Bahkan mereka sudah tinggal satu rumah tanpa ikatan pernikahan.Melihat hal ini ibu Arohii selalu mengingatkan agar mereka segera menikah.Tetapi Arohii masih belum mau dan ingin menikmati kehidupan yang saat ini sedang mereka jalani.
But Arohii was fall in love to Rahul, he want to do anything in order to make Rahul feels happy. And now, they was living in one house together without marriage. Seeing for this condition Arohii's mother always asked Arohii to get marriage soon. But Arohii always reject the advise of her mother, she said to her mother that she enjoy her life that she was being served.
Meskipun Rahul tahu bahwa Arohii sangat mencintainya, namun dia semakin depresi dan tidak bisa menghentikan kebiasaanya minum alkohol. Demi cintanya pada Rahul, Arohii kemudian memutuskan untuk merawat Rahul sampai benar-benar berhenti kecanduan alkohol, meskipun harus mengorbankan karirnya yang mulai bersinar.
Although Rahul knew that Arohii was love him, it is not make him happy and more depression and can't stop his habit of drinking alkohol. For her love to rahul, Arohii decided to take care of him until Rahul was stop drinking alcohol, even though she had to sacrifice her career.
Dari sinilah cerita film ini semakin mengharu biru, membuat kita penasaran, dan hanyut terbawa alur cerita yang sedih,romantis dan dramatis., ditambah lagi dengan sountrack lagu-lagunya yang bagus.
This is where the story get more blue and makes us more curious and drift away by the sad, romantic and dramatic, added by a good song soundtrack.
Apakah Arohii berhail menyembuhkan Rahul? Bagaimana dengan Karir mereka? Apakah cinta mereka bisa bersatu ataukah berakhir tragis? Apakah Rahul bisa sembuh dari kecanduan alkohol?
Did Arohii succeed in healing the Rahul ? How about their career ? whether their love can come together or end tragigcally? Can the uterus recover from alcoholism ?
Daripada penasaran ayo..segera tonton filmnya, khusunya bagi para pengemar film India.Tidak ada ruginya kita duduk 2 jam hanya untuk menikmati film ini...karena selain soundtrack lagunya yang bagus..filmnya juga tidak membosankan.
Rather than curious, let's watch this film immediately, especially for bollywood movie films. It would not hurt us to sit 2 (two) hours just to enjoy the bollywood films. Beside the soundtrack song is good to enjoy, this film is also not boring to be watch. And the one of the most important thing is by watching the movie, for a moment we will forget about all the problem of life.
Ini saya sertakan trailernya..
Selamat menonton. Semoga terhibur.
This is I include the trailer...Happy watching and hopefully entetained.
But arohii still believes that rahul is not lying, she is still waiting for the rahul, eventhough he is not be connected. It turn out that Rahul had been an accident and had to be hospitalized for a few days and she did not know that Arohii contacted him.
Begitu sembuh dari sakitnya Rahul langsung pergi kerumah Arohii untuk menepati janjinya. Disinilah awal perubahan kehidupan ekonomi keluarga Arohii.Sebelum membawa Arohii ke kota Rahul mencukupi semua kebutuhan Ayah dan Ibu Arohii di kampung.
After recovering from his pain, immediatly he went to the Arohii's house. This is the beginning of the economic change arohii's family. Before bringing Arohii to the city, rahul was give all the needs of her parents in the village.
Sesampainya di kota Rahul langsung membawa Arohii menemui menajernya dan mengajaknya ke studio rekaman agar segera di promosikan sebagai penyanyi baru. Begitu di tes, suara Arohii memang benar-benar bagus dan cocok sebagai seorang calon bintang baru.
When they arrived in the city, Rahul took Arohii to meet the manajer and go to the recording studio to be promoted as a new singer.
Perlahan tetapi pasti karir Arohii mulai bersinar, sedangkan karir Rahul semakin redup dan mulai kehilangan pengemarnya.Hal ini membuat Rahul ingin menjauhi Arohii. Dia tidak mau menjadi beban bagi Arohii.
Slowly but surely, Arohii career was shine beside that Rahul's career was dim and losed his fans. This condition make Rahul want to go out from the live of Arohii, he did not want to be a burden for arohii.
Tetapi Arohii mulai mencintai Rahul dan rela berkorban apa saja demi Rahul. Bahkan mereka sudah tinggal satu rumah tanpa ikatan pernikahan.Melihat hal ini ibu Arohii selalu mengingatkan agar mereka segera menikah.Tetapi Arohii masih belum mau dan ingin menikmati kehidupan yang saat ini sedang mereka jalani.
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But Arohii was fall in love to Rahul, he want to do anything in order to make Rahul feels happy. And now, they was living in one house together without marriage. Seeing for this condition Arohii's mother always asked Arohii to get marriage soon. But Arohii always reject the advise of her mother, she said to her mother that she enjoy her life that she was being served.
Meskipun Rahul tahu bahwa Arohii sangat mencintainya, namun dia semakin depresi dan tidak bisa menghentikan kebiasaanya minum alkohol. Demi cintanya pada Rahul, Arohii kemudian memutuskan untuk merawat Rahul sampai benar-benar berhenti kecanduan alkohol, meskipun harus mengorbankan karirnya yang mulai bersinar.
Although Rahul knew that Arohii was love him, it is not make him happy and more depression and can't stop his habit of drinking alkohol. For her love to rahul, Arohii decided to take care of him until Rahul was stop drinking alcohol, even though she had to sacrifice her career.
Dari sinilah cerita film ini semakin mengharu biru, membuat kita penasaran, dan hanyut terbawa alur cerita yang sedih,romantis dan dramatis., ditambah lagi dengan sountrack lagu-lagunya yang bagus.
This is where the story get more blue and makes us more curious and drift away by the sad, romantic and dramatic, added by a good song soundtrack.
Apakah Arohii berhail menyembuhkan Rahul? Bagaimana dengan Karir mereka? Apakah cinta mereka bisa bersatu ataukah berakhir tragis? Apakah Rahul bisa sembuh dari kecanduan alkohol?
Did Arohii succeed in healing the Rahul ? How about their career ? whether their love can come together or end tragigcally? Can the uterus recover from alcoholism ?
Daripada penasaran ayo..segera tonton filmnya, khusunya bagi para pengemar film India.Tidak ada ruginya kita duduk 2 jam hanya untuk menikmati film ini...karena selain soundtrack lagunya yang bagus..filmnya juga tidak membosankan.
Rather than curious, let's watch this film immediately, especially for bollywood movie films. It would not hurt us to sit 2 (two) hours just to enjoy the bollywood films. Beside the soundtrack song is good to enjoy, this film is also not boring to be watch. And the one of the most important thing is by watching the movie, for a moment we will forget about all the problem of life.
Ini saya sertakan trailernya..
Selamat menonton. Semoga terhibur.
This is I include the trailer...Happy watching and hopefully entetained.
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